New Mexico Trip April 2003


New Mexico Trip April 2003

After an inspiring morning drive down from Albuquerque across wide open ranch country, where we seemed to spend the whole time gradually circling around Capitan Peak (10083') in the distant Capitan Mountains of central New Mexico, we arrived in Roswell and ate lunch at the Crashdown Diner, then hit the International UFO Museum and Research Center. Then we visited the Roswell Museum & Art Center. We continued on to Carlsbad and "White's City", which is just a hotel really, not a city -- the only sign of civilization within 15 miles of Carlsbad Caverns.

Chaves County Court House, built 1910-1911

International UFO Museum and Research Center, site since 1997
Museum History

Below are a few critical exhibits from the museum:

Bridget and Matty having fun

Oooh, the movie!

Lunch at the Crashdown Diner

Warning About Area 51

Roswell Museum & Art Center exhibits:

An excellent

Their Georgia O'Keefe

Back to New Mexico Trip.
Steve Wagar <>
Last update: 4/23/03